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Accelerate the construction of a carbon emissions trading market

Accelerate the construction of a carbon emissions trading market(图1)

Carbon reduction is the consensus goal of today's international community and the goal of concerted efforts. In recent years, my country has strengthened top-level design, strengthened governance by regulations, and promoted a significant reduction in the nation ’s carbon emission intensity through measures such as optimizing the energy consumption structure and promoting the application of new energy. In 2018, my country's carbon emission intensity decreased by 45.8% compared with 2005, and non-fossil energy accounted for 14.3% of primary energy consumption. However, as my country is currently in the mid-term stage of industrialization, energy consumption mainly based on fossil energy continues to grow. In 2018, my country's total carbon emissions increased by 2.3% compared with 2017, and the task of carbon reduction is still arduous.

In a written interview with reporters, Kong Fanqun, deputy to the National People's Congress, assistant general manager of the group company, executive director and party secretary of Shengli Petroleum Administration Co., Ltd., and representative of Shengli Oilfield Branch, said in an interview with reporters that they will accelerate the process of building a carbon emissions trading market and improve market mechanisms and supporting Trading policies, make full use of market-oriented mechanisms to promote technological innovation and progress in carbon capture, storage, utilization and carbon reduction, and promote carbon emission reduction and carbon resource utilization.

He said that it is necessary to comprehensively summarize the experience in the construction of carbon emission rights trading pilot areas such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hubei, Guangdong and Shenzhen and the carbon emission rights trading market in the power generation industry, and accelerate the development of oil and petrochemical, building materials, steel, nonferrous metals, aviation To expand market construction and transactions in other areas, to achieve full coverage of carbon emissions trading as soon as possible, to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of carbon emission reduction and carbon utilization in various fields, to consolidate the carbon emission reduction and carbon utilization foundation, and to ensure that the carbon emission reduction target is achieved as scheduled.



