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What is a carbon trader?

The chains of global carbon trading are interlinked, and buyers, sellers, intermediaries or consulting companies, and financial institutions are related to each other, which can be said to be "grasshoppers tied to a rope."

What is a carbon trader?(图1)

Among them, carbon intermediaries are at the forefront of carbon trading. Successful carbon intermediaries can develop projects and trade them into higher-priced financial products to obtain higher premiums.

Europe has always been a big buyer in the international carbon market. Although the new carbon market, including Australia, is booming, it is temporarily difficult to bear a large amount of money. The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) had a short-lived glory when it was launched in 2005. In 2007, the EUA (EU ETS reduction unit under EU ETS) transaction volume reached 2 billion, worth more than 50 billion US dollars, but now the transaction volume has shrunk. Ben + text`in / content / come / from: China-China-carbon-emission-release-net-tan pai fang .com

CER is a carbon emission reduction futures contract launched on the European secondary market. Its price reflects the expectations and trends of European carbon emission reduction indicators and is also a benchmark for carbon prices. Under the decline of European carbon prices, as a buyer's representative, the operating space is very limited.



