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After a short drop in carbon emissions, it ’s time to reflect on how people and nature get along

After a short drop in carbon emissions, it ’s time to reflect on how people and nature get along(图1)

The two sides of things are most vividly expressed in this epidemic. Most countries have adopted various rigorous measures to curb the spread of the epidemic. Among them, China's approach is most commendable by the general public. During this period, most countries such as China, Italy, India, and the United States opened the isolation block mode. On the wide streets, only sporadic anti-epidemic personnel and ventilated animals were left. The shadows of ordinary people were almost invisible. Congested traffic has temporarily disappeared, and the rate at which large factories discharge pollutants into the ocean has slowed down significantly. The pace of industrial development has slowly slowed down. On the one hand, the economic benefits will inevitably decline, but on the other hand, the added value of the environment has been greatly improved.

During this time, everyone could clearly feel that the garbage dumps no longer appeared in piles, and that the disgusting smell was not released from the sewer. The reduction of pollutant emissions is not due to some measures to protect the environment, but the "side effects" caused by the spread of the virus on the earth.

Scientists say that since the Second World War, CO2 emissions in 2020 have been the largest decline year, which is incredible. For example, the UK ’s carbon dioxide emissions have fallen by 5% or more this year. The atmospheric professor at Stanford University recalled that the 2008 financial crisis caused the average global carbon dioxide emissions to drop by 1.4%. Yes, in the context of the global economic contraction, it has only dropped by 1.4%, but the impact of the virus is beyond our imagination.

In addition to this, our country's blue sky has never been clearer and clearer than ever before. There are even radical scientists who believe that this "side effect" caused by the virus can save more lives affected by pollution than the number of people who died of the virus infection. In fact, this is no joke.

Looking at historical events, whether it was the outbreak of World War II, the Great Depression, or the energy savings crisis of the past 50 years, the positive impact on the environment was much smaller than the effect of the epidemic. This year's decline in world average carbon dioxide pollution is almost the largest in more than 70 years.

However, some experts have suggested that the decline in emissions is short-lived, and compared to the carbon dioxide accumulated in the atmosphere for decades, it is almost inflated, and it is difficult to play a decisive role. Not only that, when the virus recedes, it can be predicted that the emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants such as carbon dioxide will grow retaliatoryly, returning to the original level or even higher, which deserves our vigilance.

It should be known that the several species extinction events experienced in the history of the earth are all related to the carbon dioxide in the earth ’s atmosphere, and most organisms can adapt to slow and moderate climate change and environmental changes. Once the climatic conditions change suddenly, they often lead most species to become extinct abyss. In this regard, scientists suggest that when we are trapped by coronavirus, we should reflect on how humans and nature get along ...



